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  • #1192075

    I am using this css (from https://kriesi.at/support/topic/submenu-width-3/#post-1192071 on post by Elliott

    .av-main-nav ul { width: 140px !important; }

    to resize the two submenus in http://www.brunocover.it/CMS/wordpress/trikego/

    the post is dated 2015, it seems to work. Could there be a more updated solution? is it possible from the Enfold Child Theme Options panel? I tried to change the default settings in Enfold Child Theme options \ Main menu \ Flyout width but nothing changed https://ibb.co/sHFxdfv

    I searched the forum and found the css solution:

    .av-main-nav ul { width: 140px !important; }

    Is this css the ideal solution? Thanks a lot. Best regards. Bruno


    Hey Bruno,

    If that CSS is working then I don’t see any problem with using it. There is no setting in the theme for that unfortunately, so you would have to use custom CSS.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, thank you. You can close this topic. Best regards. Bruno


    Hi Bruno,

    Great :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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