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  • #1185017


    I just installed Enfold and the caption/button controls for the easy sliders are not there. I cannot add buttons. This is what I see – Link to my Google Drive with screen shots attached.




    Hey Mike,

    Thanks for the screenshots, please post admin login details in private as well so that we can have a closer look at your site. Also please point out where we can find the element in question.

    Best regards,


    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for the reply. The info it in the private content area. The element in question is on the home page. The small “Easy Slider” to the left of the WELCOME TO HID 7 (starting with the orange VW) section has limited caption/button controls. There’s NO way to add a button to the slider or it’s other version the Full Width Easy Slider.



    Sorry about misspelling Rikard sir. It’s 3 am here :-) and I am beyond tired. Up way to early :-)



    Thank you for the update.

    The slider link option is located in the Advanced > Link Settings toggle. Unfortunately, you can’t add buttons in the default Easy Slider, but you can apply a link directly to the image. The button option is only available in the Fullwidth and Fullscreen sliders.

    If you really need a button, you can manually create one using html tags in the caption field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    The button feature is not working (not available) on any of the easy sliders for this site. It works for the Layer Slider but for nothing else. In the past all of easy sliders had a tab on each pic/slide called “caption” where I could add basic buttons. It’s not here now.

    Here’s a live example on the demo page

    This video show how the PAST way of adding a button. These control are NOT on the current sliders. (any version).

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that there are missing options for the buttons.

    I added an example page link in the privates content area. Please log in, click on the elements for the full width and the full screen examples and you will see what I mean.




    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for that, though I’m getting a 503 error on the login page. Is there a problem with the site or are some country IP ranges being block maybe? The test page you sent is loading fine, but the login page is not.

    Best regards,

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