The featured image in the center column in the first row is larger and throwing the alignment off on my site. Any idea what could be causing this? Also when I go from Individual to equal column heights it really throws things off. Thank you.
Hey lzevon,
The image in the middle has a different ratio than the other two, could you try to us an image which has roughly the same ratio to see if that works better please?
Best regards,
They’re all 600×400?
No, the one on the left is 845×321, and the one in the middle is 600×321. That means the one on the left will display more rectangular, and the one in the middle more towards a square shape.
Best regards,
They are all 600×400, but the resolution must be set differently. Thanks
Thanks for the update, all the images look to be the same shape now on the page you initially linked to. Is everything working as it should now?
Best regards,
You can close this, last image is still off, but I’ll need to bring all the others down to match.
Hi lzevon,
Great :) We are closing the thread.
If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.
Best regards,