Tagged: ada; compliance, social links
I’ve been getting ADA compliance errors on the social links. The out-of-the-box Enfold error is the “Avoid placing inactive elements in the focus order ” – basically, the social icons are links, which puts them in the focus order. But then the links themselves are output with aria-hidden=”true” – so it’s focus-able but hidden. I assume this is a general Enfold issue that needs to be fixed, but in the meantime, I am wondering if there is a way to modify that output without hacking Enfold. The aria-hidden=”true” exists inside of config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/font-manager-class.php in the frontend_icon() function. Is there a way to modify this output from my child theme? Switching to aria-hidden=”false” fixes the compliance issue. That or adding tabindex=’-1′ to the link.
Hey pippylu,
Thank you for reporting this.
I added a fix for the next release ( aria-hidden=”false” ).
As there are no filters there is no way to change this without modifying core files.
You will have to add the fix in enfold\includes\helper-social-media.php function build_icon() around line 172.
Add tabindex=’-1′ to the
If you need help with this let us know.
Best regards,
Thank you.