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  • #1173703

    I am hoping you can help with our issue. We were updating a page with the Enfold Editor, and went to edit an element on the page (with some basic styling html). Everything seemed fine as we saved it. However, when the Edit page re-loaded after the save, half of the page (basically everything below the element that we edited) disappeared. And the element that we edited was acting VERY strangely (a 1/3 column looked like 1/6 column and was stacking and created a duplicate of the content which also looked different). The even stranger part is that when I click on WP Revisions, I am able to see ALL of the content that was/is there. However, when I click “Restore” on any version, it loads and the content is again missing. Is there a way that we can recover that content that has disappeared?

    We are using:
    Wordpress v.3.7.1
    Enfold v1.9.1
    PHP 5.4

    Thank you in advance!


    Hey kcaetano,

    The login details you posted are not working, please check and verify. Also, why is the theme/WordPress and your PHP version so old? They all need updating in order for your site to work properly.

    Best regards,


    Ok I created a new user for you. Here are the credentials:

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi kcaetano,

    You need to update php to php7+, WordPress and the theme. I’m afraid this server specs will not suffice anymore.

    Best regards,

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