Please help me solve a problem
increase the width of title of tab secton on homepage
so that it can displayed in one line.
Hey freepaulc,
Add this to quick css:
#av-tab-section-1 .av-section-tab-title {
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thank you so much, but that is not what I want.
the code you attached increases the width of the whole tab section.
what I asked is let the tab title can be displayed in the same line, not three lines.
This is my problem, just like below :
XS ( three lines, this is the problem)
what I want, just like below:
iPhone XS Max (same line)
Apologies, so this is just to target mobile?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
No, this is not for what,
this is my
as you can see, the tab title on the homepage is three lines, looks like so bad.