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  • #1168350


    For some reason when i stick the site into “Maintenance Mode” and I am logged in as admin, it will sometimes let me click around when viewing the front end but randomly will go to the maintenance page and not display the site forcing me to log back in via wp/admin. I also turned off maintenance mode and it will randomly put up the maintenance wall even though its not even turned on… I even cleared my cache and tried a different browser. not sure what is going on…

    I also noticed the social icons are not loading at the top of the page. This just seemed to happen and i noticed my site won’t save all the time either. I will click “Save all changes” when editing theme options and it will just fail over and over until i log out and back in.

    I hope you can help. Thank you.

    – Donny


    I forgot…

    I also noticed when I am logged in, I will view the front end and the black wp editing bar at the top will disappear randomly…

    Lots of weird issues lately. Thanks for the help!

    – Donny


    Thanks for the login, I tried testing your site in maintenance mode, but I was not able to reproduce your issue, I know you said it occurs randomly, but are there any steps we can take to see the error? I also didn’t lose the admin bar.
    Both of these items are controlled with cookies, so it seems to be a cookie issue with your browser.
    What browser are you using? Do you use an ad-blocker?
    I see a facebook customer chat script added to your header.php, perhaps opening this in maintenance mode is resetting the maintenance & admin cookie somehow?
    We have a cookie consent patch, but you are not using the cookie consent bar so I don’t think this is the issue, unless you had it on when the error occurred?
    If you want to try the patch you would replace the /enfold/js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js file with –
    Please save a copy of your original file as a fallback.

    Best regards,



    I think it may be a godaddy issue… I have tried safari & Chrome on desktop, mobile & tablet but the social icons at the top do not load anymore. The links are there but the graphics are not…

    I disabled the maintenance mode and it seemed to help with that issue but I am at a loss on what’s going on… any other ideas on what to do?


    Sorry, I was not able to login to test again to see if I can now recreate your issue, please check the login.

    Best regards,



    Please try again..


    Thank you for the login, for your social icons I see that the font is loading from “” but it is blocked by the CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' I assume this is a CDN option on your GoDaddy account, please try turning this off.
    Once the font is able to load then you may still need to update the enfold\framework\php\function-set-avia-frontend.php file with this one via ftp, Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for fallback and clear server and browser cache after the file has been replaced.

    These are two different issues, but doing both steps should correct the social icons.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Thanks so much for getting back to me and helping. The CDN is most likely from godaddy so I’ll have to call them. In regards to updating that file, do I just redone load the theme and reinstall or can I grab and update that specific file? If so , where can I download it?

    Thanks for the help.

    – Donny


    Hi Donny,

    You can replace only the file, the file is shared with you by Mike in the previous reply.

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,

    Thanks for the reply. What does mike mean by “the font is loading from “” but it is blocked by the CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin”? I called GoDaddy and they were no help (shocker) but of course they had a ton of stuff i could buy to “maybe” fix the issue.. They also instantly blamed the theme and plugins!

    I told them about the issues I was having and informed them you guys pointed out the CDN and CORS policy possibly blocking. The lady i spoke with said she has worked there for 10 years and never heard of a CORS policy and couldn’t understand how you guys found that. Can you explain and is there a way to find out where that came from? I noticed in my manage WP dashboard it showed the CDN was a “new” feature. I asked when this rolled out and she said a few months ago which is when a lot of my issues started with the site constantly kicking me out of the backend when maintenance mode was activated and when saving a page, I would get a error saying the link expired. I am no programmer / coder but this points to the server / host / CDN but i am not 100% sure..

    Lastly, can you recommend a plugin or something to help scan my site for potential malware or being able to scan for it on my side without buying one of their many products that most likely suck?

    Thanks for the help as i appreciate you guys!!!

    – Donny


    The CORS error I posted above was copied from the browser console, and the url I posted was were the font was loading from, I went to take a screenshot of it for you but I found your social icons were disabled in your theme options, so I enabled them and found the font was now loading from your domain, so I’m not sure if someone made a change or not, perhaps she talked to a co-worker? Either way this is good. Anyways the “function-set-avia-frontend.php” file has not been updated, with the patch I posted above, but I did apply the temp css fix to your Quick CSS so the social icons will show:

    .social_bookmarks_twitter a::before, .av-social-link-twitter a::before {
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
        content: '';
    .social_bookmarks_facebook a::before, .av-social-link-facebook a::before {
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
        content: '';
    .social_bookmarks_instagram a::before {
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
        content: '';

    So if you wish you can just wait for the next update which will correct the “function-set-avia-frontend.php” file.
    Please clear your browser cache and check that you are also seeing the social icons, and also check if you continue to experience your other issues.
    As for checking for malware I like the plugin: Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    You Rock! Thanks for the help on this.

    I actually turned off the icons my self until I could figure it out and the CSS helped so thank you for that. I also turned off the CDN they added and I think something with their CDN is causing this. I was going to turn it back on and see what happens. I hope if I do, the CSS will help fix it…

    Thanks again for all your help.

    – Donny


    Glad to hear that this helped. Please let us know once you are done testing and if we should close this thread.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Perfect and will do. I just switched the CDN back on so i will update you tomorrow.

    One last thing.. i noticed when logged in and I am navigating the backend – front end, I get get logged out. The theme wouldn’t cause this would it? This also sounds like Godaddys manage wp hosting but I wanted to ask.

    – Donny


    I have seen this occur with CDN’s and server-side caching a couple of times, where it seemed that I was not logged in unless I went to /wp-admin/ where I would go to the admin panel and not the login screen as expected if I had actually been logged out.

    Best regards,

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