[thrive_2step id=’26056′][av_button label='Gathering & Reunions - I want that' link='’manually,http://‘ link_target='’_blank’' size='small' position='center' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-5obiu2i'][/thrive_2step]
Hey kpenner36,
Thanks for giving us admin access.
I have checked the 5 thrive buttons in your homepage and it works fine on my end and the popup box seems to be accurate.
Is this already fixed? if not can you give us further instructions to see the issue?
Best regards,
It seems that when I go into Icognito it works, but when I am logged in it does not work.
I also get a strange white box pull down when I am logged in about 50% of the time
and the sound setting on the background video plays when I am logged in, the audio on that background video should be permanently turned off to all browser
So it seems I am only having these issues when I or another user is logged in
If you would be able to help me with these strange issues that seem to occur when I am logged in that would be most helpful!
If it works on iognito it is because of cache.
Could you please consider to check this a little bit further?
Best regards,