
you mean this:

and that should be under each post ( or portfolio too?)

maybe you can use that filter here : avf_template_builder_content
but it does only work if your single posts are made with advanced layout builder.

it is used this way:

add_filter('avf_template_builder_content', 'avf_template_builder_content_mod', 10, 1);
function avf_template_builder_content_mod($content = "")
  if(is_single() || is_singular('portfolio') ) {
    $addendum = do_shortcode(" enfold shortcode place it here between ");
    $content = $content . $addendum ;
  return $content;

you have to be carefull with the shortcode insertion – because this have to be a oneliner and inline styles are complicated to have – besides that you can not use fullwidth containers as color-sections or grid-rows – because otherwise the sidebar goes down under this.
how to get from enfold the enfold shortcode is known ?