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  • #1156144

    Hi, I am trying to stop the header from floating. I have tried turning on and off the sticky header option. I have also tried different CSS suggestions but maybe I’m not using the right class id

    The menu leaves a gap at the top.

    it’s especially apparent on mobile.
    my desire is to have it not floating and/or at very minimum not leave a big gap either.



    Hey CL,

    Within your css, find and remove the following:

    div#sub_menu1 {
        position: fixed !important;

    That will fix the issue.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    HI! thanks for the quick reply and suggestion.

    It didn’t work when applying it to the Css Stylesheet.

    should I use a different ID or class?
    av-subnav-menu av-submenu-pos-right

    It’s the white bar that is floating. “SPEED RING FINDER DEALER FINDER EDU DINKUM OEM DEALER APPLICATION CONTACT 888-444-1812”

    visual example:



    You need to remove that code, not add it.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    What i meant by “applied” is that I meant that I commented it out. I deleted it now. still not working.


    I removed it in the theme editor. How would I remove it in the other CSS which i notice is the child theme of enfold.
    and it still imports the enfold css.
    How do i edit that one?

    Theme Name: Chimera
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of Enfold
    Template: enfold

    @import url(“../enfold/style.css”);


    I have looked on the develop > web inspector for Safari and have found the line of code you are referring to is in chimera folder theme: style.css
    But when editing the wordpress file it isn’t there. I only see it on the online version for safari and chrome. Yes I have emptied cache.
    What am I missing?

    the lines of code you referenced are found on the Chimera theme “style.css” that starts with:

    Theme Name: Chimera
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of Enfold
    Template: enfold



    So you did not comment it out of the child theme css?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    i deleted it from chimera style.css in wordpress > appearance > theme editor but it still shows up online



    Thank you for the update.

    The code is still in the chimera > style.css file. It doesn’t look like you installed any minification plugins or enabled the file compression option from the theme, so it’s probably cached or it’s still in the file. Please post the login details in the private field so that we can inspect the dashboard.

    Best regards,

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