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  • #1154692

    Hello there! I am having trouble with optimizing LayerSlider for mobile – the letters written on it appear as they should on computer, but are way too small on mobile. If I change the size it also changes for the computer. Can you tell me how can I fix this for mobile devices only?
    Thanks in advance!


    Hey hristi,

    Add this to quick css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)  {
    #layer_slider_1 h1{
    #layer_slider_1 h2{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you. Is there any way to make the slider on mobile devices full-screen size or at least a bit bigger, like it’s on the website? The letters are good now with your code but the slider is still small, sorry if I didn’t explain it better previously.



    So the image itself? Unfortunately the size it is now is responsive to mobile.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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