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  • #1154186

    Our website works perfectly on all desktop browsers, including Chrome, FireFox, IE, etc..

    Suddenly the display is totally screwed up on the IPhone and IPad, looking maybe like a style sheet issue.

    All IPhone / IPad IOS versions are the latest version (13.1.3) and Enfold is updated to the latest version(

    I don’t know where to start to determine what is wrong. Can you help? Website link in private area.


    This may have been caused by this: I installed Smush and converted all the images on the website. It didn’t work, and broke everything. I then deleted Smush and restored all the uploads from a backup before the Smush update, making everything work again. Would this somehow have caused this problem?

    I am desperate to get this working again on IOS.


    Looks like that was it. I cleared the browser cache and how the whole site is screwed up on the desktop as well.

    I’m going to try going to a backup fpr everything and see what I can do.



    Hi Roger,

    Sorry for the problem and thanks for the updates. We’ll keep this thread open in case you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Rikard. I think I have restored the site now. SMUSH was the culprit, but using a combination of backups and a variety of other things it looks like we’re back in business.

    SMUSH did a lot of bad things. It looks to me like it is totally incompatible with Enfold. so a lesson well learned.

    Thanks as always for your fast response.



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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