this is the constellation we have:
1: http://www.example.org
2: shop.example.org
Task: The index/startpage/frontpage from shop.example.org shall not be visible to users – even not when a user tries to call it directly.
How can we solve this?
Hey Hooge-AGS,
If I understand your question correctly, you don’t want example.org directly assemble from shop.example.org, this is possible but it will take some advanced .htaccess programming which is beyond our scope here. Please consider hiring a freelancer to assist you with this.
Best regards,
I see.
Support doesnt go further than helping with Enfold bugs.
That makes sense, since there are so many.
Here is an example of the code you would need, and a little more complex one but I recommend getting help with this because you could block yourself and the good traffic you want if done incorrectly.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,