Tagged: accordion menu, sidebar
I would like to create an accordion menu in a sidebar. I read several topics on the subject in the forum but it does not match completely to my wish.
I am currently using, in my sidebar, menus that I created via Appearance> Menu that I would like to transform into an accordion menu.
The CSS proposed in this topic https://kriesi.at/support/topic/consulting-theme-menu/#post-1034961 seems to be applied a main menu, but I only want a menu accordion in the sidebar (and keep the usual behavior in the main menu) when I click on is title
Thank you for your help
Hey I-Visio,
Maybe you could try using a plugin for that? https://wordpress.org/plugins/nextend-accordion-menu/
Best regards,
Thank’s Rikard,
It will take a bit of work ;-) but it seems to be what I was looking for
Best regards
Hi I-Visio,
Glad we could help :)
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,