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  • #1147345

    This is an additional question to my closed post here:

    How can I make the toolbar of an ALB textbox sticky, too?

    In a normal WP editor the toolbar is sticky, when the text is very long:

    But using the textblock of the ALB, the toolbar is not sticky, it disappears:

    How can we therefor use the normal WP sticky functionality with the ALB textbox, too?
    Thanks in advance.


    Hey COLORIT,

    You cant or something that we do not use this somehow together. Please do consider to speak with the Plugin developer maybe to assist further.

    Best regards,


    What plugin developer?
    This is no plugin, this is ENFOLD’s ALB in the second screenshot and the normal WP editor in the first screenshot!

    Please read again my post!
    All I would like to to have is the ALB textbox toolbar the same way “sticky” as the toolbar of the normal WP editor (like seen in the screenshots).



    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I have forwarded your request to our developers.



    thanks a lot, Yigit!

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