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  • #1138250

    Hi there,

    Our client hired a company to scan their website and look for ADA related Errors and Warnings. We have a report which I will link in the private content. A lot of what I’m seeing is honestly over my head, but seems to relate back to the way the theme is actually built.


    1) The first element inside the FIELDSET must be a LEGEND element, which provides a label or description for the group.
    2) Absolute CSS positioning can make pages unreadable when style sheets are turned off.

    Two questions:

    1) Is this something we can get support for?
    2) Does Kriesi recommend anyone we can hire to resolve these issues without effecting ongoing theme updates (breaking the site next time we update the theme)


    Hey jaimemerz,
    Thank you for the link to the report, but unfortunately, your requests would require an intensive rewrite and is outside of our scope. We can recommend Codeable for their experience and expertise with Enfold. Please follow the link to discuss your project and time frame with them.
    You can request that the changes are applied to a child theme and this would ensure updates do not lose your customizations, but I would recommend updating your site before submitting your request because your version (3.0.4) is very old and not stable with the latest WordPress.

    Best regards,

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