I would like to put the color of links in the container in another color, but just the links.
I have tried from the General Styling and If I do this change a lot to elements.
How can I change just the color of the links, when they are on and off?
Hey hector1069,
Add this to quick css and adjust the color to what you need:
#main a{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi Jordan,
If I add this code in css, I change the color of all bottoms and all links, but I would like to change only the links that they are into de text of main container, not all the links…
Is ti posible to do? Thanks.
Hi hector1069,
Can you disable caching and minification for now?
Which links do you need to change color? DO you mean on hover?
Best regards,
Hi Victoria,
Yes, I refer to the link that they are into the text on hover.
Try the following. It’s more specific:
#main .avia-section.main_color a{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon