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  • #1134881

    I can’t update theme from WordPress anymore, I have to download files from Envato and upload them via ftp.
    It says there is no package or something like this.


    Hey Gian Maria,

    Which version are you trying to update from? If it’s 4.4.1 or below then it has to be done manually. After you have updated past that version then automatic update will work as usual again.

    Best regards,


    Actually I needed to update manually 4.6.0 and then 4.6.1



    Thanks for the update, so everything is working as it should now then?

    Best regards,


    No, I told I needed to update manually (aka downloading from Themeforest and uploading via ftp).
    So I’m asking why it can’t be done on WP backend.



    The update need to be done manually if you are running 4.4.1 or an earlier version. The reason is that Envato has done changes to their system. After you have manually updated then it should work normally.

    Best regards,


    No, you’re still not getting what I’m saying.
    I have 5 webistes with Enfold on.
    All of them are always updated.
    But ammitting they’re not, I had to update manually to Enfold 4.6.
    So, by what you’re saying, Enfold 4.6.1 should have worked normally, but what I’m trying to make you understand is that I had to manually upgrade also Enfold 4.6.1.
    Is it clear now?



    Yes, it’s clear now. How can we help you out with this problem? I see no website or login details in this thread.

    Best regards,


    Trying to update to 4.6.2 and is not working. This is the error message I got:
    “An error occurred while updating Enfold: Update package not available”.



    I just tried updating from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 on my local installation and it worked. Then i tried with your personal token and it did not work. So it has to be related to your personal token. Please regenerate – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/#how-to-generate-a-envato-personal-token and make sure to set all required tokens.

    Best regards,

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