Dear Enfold-Team. I am still very happy with Enfold.
According to the judgment of the European Court of Justice 29. Juli 2019 cookies must not already be turned on when you come to a website. The user must switch it on manually if he wishes. (Except session cookies).
My questions: Is the current on-board Cookie-Tool already according to that? If not: Will you adapt the cookie tool in Enfold accordingly with the next update?
Or Is there already a workaround to customize the Enfold on-board cookie tool according to that new law myself?
Thank you in advance
best regards
Hey vectorcriz,
I assume that your post is from before the v4.6 update? v4.6 addresses GDPR / DSGVO.
Best regards,
Hey Mike,
thank you. Yes you are right, obviously I missed the update.
Best regards