On the homepage I start with an embedded Slider Revolution “home” which shows Fullscreen on Desktop.
Is it possible to change this slider to only Fullwidth when shown on Mobile Portrait?
Can it be done with CSS or is there a way to embedd another Slider Revolution when shown on Mobile Portrait?
Thank you for Help!
Hey Bernd,
Thank you for using Enfold.
There is no option for that in the slider. You may need to hide the current slider and display another on mobile view.
Best regards,
Hey Ismael,
that is what I thought. How to do that ?
Thank you
Hi Victoria,
that is a good idea. So I duplictaed page “Moin” to page “Moin2”
then removed the Element “Revolution Slider in voller Breite” and put two Text Elements, where I embedded the two different Revolution Sliders like you proposed.
But this look different from the page “Moin”
The transparent header is gone and I have some white space under the slider.
Thank you for Help!
Hi Bernd,
Well, screen options work best with Enfold sliders, do you absolutely need to use the Rev slider?
Best regards,