how can I change the link color in the cookie consent bar? I only want to change the color of the link for the [av_privacy_link].
Thanks for your help!
Best regards, John
Hey John,
Could you post a link to where we can see the element in question please?
Best regards,
I’ve got the same problem.
My page : https://astro-gespraech.de/
Best regards
Hi Antje,
https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQuZZLj1 Here is what I am seeing. How do you need it to be changed?
Best regards,
Hi Victoria,
many thanks for your help.
I meanwhile found a solution – see https://kriesi.at/support/topic/cookie-consent-message/#post-1002846
You already saw the fixed version.
Best regards
Glad you figured it out!
Have you tried editing Cookie Consent related elements in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling? You would not need custom CSS code to adjust the colors. You can simply use Advanced Styling tab :)
Hi Yigit,
yes I already tried editing Cookie Consent related elements in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling.
But I could not find anything where I could change the link color.
Can you give me a more detailed hint?
Best regards,
Hi Antje,
Sure! I uploaded 2 screenshots here – https://imgur.com/a/HxW3IkW. You can see Advanced Styling settings and the results on frontend.
If that does not help, please elaborate on the changes you would like to make so we can tell which exact element you would need to edit :)
Best regards,