I would like to know how to remove the avia-post Nav that appears on blog posts to prevent people just clicking left and right to nagigate
Hey Sam,
Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Add this to quick css:
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Didn’t work buddy.
One div is an ID and this will be more weight on selector as three classes !
you can test this here if you click afterwards on : “Sort by specifity” you wlll see – https://specificity.keegan.st/
so if the original rule has one div in it – you can not overwrite the rule with 10 classes ;)
#top .avia-post-nav {
display: none !important;
One of the solutions provided above should surely work for you.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon