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  • #1127133


    I think an update has thrown out the alignment of the slider of my home page. I have tried to run updates on plugins/theme but then nothing changes. To try and problem solve I attempted to disable all 3rd party plugins which then causes the website to have a fatal error. When this happens there is nothing I can do except restore an older version of the website.

    Error message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare av_countdown_events_fallback() (previously declared in /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 8

    Any suggestions appreciated!



    Hey Annettebirkmann,

    Please delete this file

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    Thanks I tried this but now get a very similar error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare av_upcoming_events_fallback() (previously declared in /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 10

    On further testing I have discovered that this error occurs when I disable The Events Calendar plugin.



    Hi Annettebirkmann,

    Yes, you need to remove this file too

    This issue was happening in one of the older versions and is due to the reason that some files on update did not get removed.

    Best regards,

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