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  • #1126424

    I’d like to add a Header Row to contain text and images (delivery info, customer support etc) to go directly below the main menu and directly above the main content but with no space inbetween. I’ve tried a text box, but get loads of padding which I can’t minimise using a whitespace set to minus pixels. I’m looking to duplicate the Extra Elements Header, but position it below the Main Menu and on the HomePage only. Hope someone can help with this.
    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Adrian,

    We would have to see the actual problem on your site in order to give you accurate CSS, could you create a test page maybe?

    Best regards,


    i do not see your private content (i’m participant as you) but to solve that issue we had to see the site or have more details.
    What kind of header you have ( logo left – menu right etc) ?
    is it a fixed header or does it scroll away with content?
    Does the content of that extra container have dynamic content or is it static and not often changed?
    What should happen to that extra container on scroll?



    Have you also checked our documentation?
    We do have a lot of edits about the headers.

    Best regards,

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