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  • #1115173
    Paweł Ząbek

    Good morning,

    I run Ergosmile Company in Poland. My website is on Your template. The page was made by a person with whom I do not have contact now, she turned out to be a crook. In terms of her work, she bought a template.

    The site has been completed by me and now I am trying to implement changes on the site and we have a problem;

    The homepage returns the code 404 despite editing:

    – htaccess file

    – link structure from wordpress level

    – cache removal

    – creating new pages and setting them as start pages

    Could this be related to the error in the template / problem with the license?

    Please help.


    Hi Paweł,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Sorry to hear about your situation.

    I checked your website and homepage loads fine on my end. It could be cache related so please make sure to flush cache.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    Good morning,

    Thank you for the return message.

    As I mentioned, the homepage returns the code 404 despite editing:

    – htaccess file

    – link structure from wordpress level

    – cache removal

    – creating new pages and setting them as start pages

    We changed temporarily to a different template and there is no error, which indicates a problem with the template.



    Thanks for the update, did you select the home page as the custom 404 page on the main page of the theme options maybe? If so then please try to select a dedicated 404 page there instead. If that is not the problem then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    Do you mean WordPress login details? :)

    Paweł Ząbek

    Well, I just don`t know how to get these logs. We have now set the start page as page “404” because when we do not do it – when going to returns the error “page does not exist”.



    Yes, I mean WordPress login details. Please post them in private.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Rikard.
    Paweł Ząbek

    Login is my e-mail

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Rikard.


    Thanks for that, though I’m getting a 403 error on the login page. Are you blocking some IP ranges or do you have an active security plugin? If so then please try to lift that block until we have checked your site.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    Hmm, I’m trying to log in incognito mode – success.

    I can log in on a friend’s phone.

    On a friend’s computer outside of my WIFI network, too.

    Maybe I’ll create a new user account (admin) for you. I just need an email to add you.

    Do you have other ideas?


    Thanks for the login, your home page is set as your custom 404 page so it will give the 404 code, please change your custom 404 page to a different page:

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    We have changed this and now entering the main page as an unlogged user (or incognito mode) a 404 error pops up…

    Paweł Ząbek

    Please help :)


    I see that your theme version is v4.5.4 please manually update to v4.5.7
    The easiest and safest way to do this is to download the newest version from Theme Forest and rename your current theme to “enfold-old” via ftp then upload the new “enfold” and check that your site is working correctly.
    Once you are happy you can delete the “enfold-old” via ftp, (not the WP theme page)
    Should for some reason you wish to roll-back to the old version, it’s easy to do, simply rename the new “enfold” to “enfold-new” via ftp and then rename “enfold-old” to “enfold” then refresh your page.
    Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    Where can I download such files as your client?



    You can always download the latest version of the theme (currently 4.5.7) from your Themeforest account.

    Best regards,

    Paweł Ząbek

    As you can see, I am the owner of a website that uses your template, but the template was bought by the website’s contractor, with whom I have no contact. Can you send me a file so that I can update the template that I have installed?


    Hi Paweł Ząbek,

    For technical support please register here with your item purchase code .

    Go to select the theme you purchased bookmark the URL.


    Scroll to the bottom of the page to open a new ticket.

    Best regards,

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