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  • #1109302


    I just received an e-mail from WordPress informing me that “a fatal error” occurred on my websites due to the Yoast plugin. I can’t see any visual issues on my websites, but I am still concerned. I don’t know whether this is caused by the theme or what else and I couldn’t get answers from my hoster or the Yoast plug-in team.

    Can you give me any insight?




    Hey Karinabutterfly,

    Both of your sites are loading fine on my end, how exactly can we reproduce the problem you are having?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for the response. I don’t even know if I have a problem. I recognized that there is no obvious sign of any issues on my websites. I am just wondering what the mail from WordPress is about? How do I find out if the Yoast Plugin causes any “fatal errors” without obvious signs? Or can I just ignore the e-mails if I don’t see any issue on my websites?

    Also, Yoast has released an Update of their plugin today. So maybe that fixes whatever cause WordPress to send out those “fatal error” e-mails.




    Hi Karina,

    I’m not sure to be honest with you, the email from WordPress was introduced in WordPress 5.2 and it should be triggered by fatal errors or similar in WordPress. That might have happened on your site, but it might also have been temporary. Maybe you could keep monitoring the sites to check if it happens again? We’ll keep this thread open for you in the meantime.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    sounds good. I will check my sites regularly and see if it happens again.



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