I have installed Enfold theme and everything works properly.
However, the AMP version of the site, obtained with the AMP for WP plugin, while working, generates the following error message on the top of the page: “Warning: implode (): Invalid arguments passed in / home / dreambl5 / public_html / wp- content / themes / enfold / config-templatebuilder / avia-template-builder / php / shortcode-helper.class.php online 163”.
Can anyone suggest a possible solution?
Thank you!
Hey filippofucci,
THat is happening because we have no compatibility with this plugin.
Best regards,
Hi Basilis,
Thanks for the feedback.
Any suggested solutions for AMP pages?
Unfortunately we do not have something either in the works – or that is working right now.
Best regards,
John Muller at Google said that for mobile we must have AMP all the time
Our developer needs you to tell us what AMP plugin is compatible so please check a few, some strip out your woostore presenting only the blog, so crash the site- please tell us asap what we can use- not clear if Kriesi has tested anything.
can you show me a link of this about the AMP and when google developers said about it?
Best regards,