Hi there… I am creating a website using your theme and I am having issues with pages being labeled pages__trashed/ could you please advise who do I fix this.?
Thanks again
Hey benjaminmcavoy,
Thanks for the login details, you have 51 pages in the trash. Is that what you are referring to?
Best regards,
I am not concerned about the pages in trash, they are just residue from the install of enfold theme pages…
if you go to view site, you will see this in the header http://www.thehealermedium.com/pages__trashed/about-benjamin/ —– pages__trashed —- this is what I have a issue with the, it should read http://www.thehealermedium.com/about-benjamin
Thank you Ben
Hi Ben,
That page is the child of a page called Pages, which is in the trash.
Best regards,
Thank you for your reply… how do I create this to be my home page and remove pages__trashed from the url.?
Thank you once again