Dear Enfold,
Today we stumbled upon a thing that surprised us. We’re using the Promo Box for a Call to Action and want to display an icon in the button.
Standard in other button-elements you can choose where to align the icon: left or right. In this Promo Box that option isn’t given, which we think is strange and should be standard.
Hereby screenshots of the problem:
Preview of what it is now
Settings in Promo Box where you can’t align the icon (under “Knop icoon”)
Normal button you get this
We’re hoping for a long-term solution and NOT a CSS workaround.
Thanks in advance!
Hey Jan,
Thank you for your input. we can give you the css now, not sure about changes to this in the nearest future.
Do you need help with css?
Best regards,
Dear Victoria,
CSS is not needed for now.
Maybe this is an option for Günter to check in the future.
Best regards
Thank you for letting us know.
Best regards,