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  • #1099069

    Hi guys,

    i’m using a plugin for my new booking system, but the pages style seem to be interfering with the plugins css – the date picker is broken, the page has a few other problems with the plugin.

    Any ideas how to fix this?



    Hey berndrepenning,

    Unfortunately we can’t guarantee seamless compatibility with all plugins, so you would have to manually find and adjust all the styling conflicts. Perhaps using the browser console would help with this.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Yes i thought so but i just wanna to ask. I‘ll try to fix it with the help of the google chrome power ;-)

    If you have any tips feel free to share :-)




    We will leave this thread open in case you have additional questions on this.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon



    I tried the system on a fresh wordpress/enfold setup and have the same problem. I guess the interfering is with the jquery Datepicker – can i deactivate it?




    The plugin datepicker or Enfold?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    On Enfold – I’m not sure what the problem is. Seems not to work with enfold, but I really don’t see why.


    Tested all css options, but it’s pretty sure it’s not a problem with CSS rather than something else. Anyone an idea?


    Hi berndrepenning,

    Can you please disable the caching plugin for now?

    Best regards,

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