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  • #1090892

    Hi Enfold,

    I have a online server with a finished test environment where the Enfold is very fast and has very fast responses. Page load needs 240ms for /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-footer-scripts-46b38ee527447418ed33e523df96393c.js

    Now I moved this site to another hosting and the same script now needs about 5-7s. Does anybody know what is going on or is this a server thing? Do they have to activate something on the server side?

    I don’t want to install any cache plugin right now, because on my test server it was pretty fast. The scripts are minified.

    Thank you in advance.
    Best Regards


    Hi Aaren,

    It’s likely due to hosting yes, but we will need to see the problem in question in order to help you out or say for sure what is going wrong.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi AlexBellaTropea,

    You are getting very long wait times for the server to respond to most requests: https://tools.pingdom.com/#5c60403a85000000. Please bring that up with your hosting provider.

    Best regards,

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