Tagged: list view, tribe events calendar
I’m using The Events Calendar with Enfld ( https://theeventscalendar.com )
I found that calendar bottom navigation in list view is hidden by following rule:
#tribe-events-footer .tribe-events-sub-nav{display:none;}
which is located at line 51 of following Enfold CSS file:
Please let me point out that limiting navigation could create usability issues in pages containing long event’s lists since users who reach bottom of long pages have to scroll back to top to reach link to next page.
I suggest to consider removing this CSS line in next Enfold versions.
Hey aledef,
Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:
#tribe-events-footer .tribe-events-sub-nav{
display:block !important;
If that doesn’t work then please post a link to where we can see the problem in question.
Best regards,
anyway that is not what I was asking.
I was asking to consider removing that CSS line in next Enfold versions.
Can you forward my request to developers team?
Hi aledef,
This might not be removed since it’s so easy to adjust css and have it shown. It is hidden by design.
Best regards,