Tagged: enfold
Hello Support, I would simply like to have the text on my shop page be below my Product listing. Is this possible? Thanks!
Hey moonknight066,
Thank you for the link, but I couldn’t login to make the changes. Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:
function move_shop_content_below_products(){
$('<div class="container new-woo-container">' ).insertBefore( '#top.woocommerce-page .container_wrap.footer_color' );
$('#top.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-products-header .page-description').appendTo('.new-woo-container');
$('.new-woo-container').css({'margin-bottom': '50px'});
add_action('wp_footer', 'move_shop_content_below_products');
Then clear your browser cache and check.
Best regards,