I want to change the featured image of a blog post from the “small image” in the loop-index.php
$blog_meta_output = "<a href='{$link}' class='small-preview' title='{$featured_img_desc}'>".$slider.$icon."</a>";
the css is no problem, but i can’t find where the images size of $slider is defined … any clue?
Hey Alexander,
You can find it in line 87 (Enfold 4.5.5) in the same file:
$current_post['slider'] = apply_filters( 'avf_post_featured_image_link', get_the_post_thumbnail( $current_post['the_id'], $size ), $current_post, $size );
you’ll find this comment below in line 115-117:
* Now extract the variables so that $current_post['slider'] becomes $slider, $current_post['title'] becomes $title, etc
Best regards,