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  • #1083080

    Hi Guys,

    Note: sorry, had some problems with uploading the screenshot..

    I’m trying to do a certain styling on my main menu. It used to work before I used the mega menu. I want to have a triangle on top of the dropdown menu (desktop) that points towards the name of the category.
    The desired result looks like: desired result example. desired result example
    link is:

    However, once I implemented the mega menu, I can’t get this result any more. For your convenience, I have made the ‘triangles’ red now.
    And this is the current result: current result
    current result
    link is:

    This is not my intention. I need 1 triangle instead of multiple, that points towards the category I selected. In this case: ‘Toepassingen’.

    I have used the following code to get the current result:

    #top #header #avia-menu .mega_menu_title :before {
      bottom: 100%;
      border: solid transparent;
      content: "";
      height: 0;
      width: 0;
      position: absolute;
      pointer-events: none;
      border-bottom-color: red;
      border-width: 14px;
      left: 50%;
      margin-left: -9px;

    I am aware that by selecting the .mega_menu_title in my CSS, I’m selecting all titles and therefore get multiple triangles. However I don’t know how to select the whole DIV to get only one triangle.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Yourhanger.

    Hey Yourhanger,

    Thanks for the screenshots and sorry for the late reply. Could you post a link to where we can see the results you are getting as well please?

    Best regards,

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