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  • #1079995


    wordpress version: 5.1.1
    woocommerce version: 3.5.6
    enfold version: 4.5.4
    enfold child version: 1.0
    php version 5.6 (have tried switching to 7.1 but it didnt solve anything and caused issues with some plugins)

    I am at my wits end trying to fix this image sizing problem.. nothing is making sense
    I am Using enfold with the child theme however this is only after atempting to fix this same issue with the main theme

    I have done all the usual troubleshooting, remove all plugins , reinstall theme, reinstalled child, reinstalled woocommmerce, tried regenerate thumbnails etc etc

    I have tried to solve this perplexing problem with all of the images used in widgets being undesired sizes
    first was too small size of 36×36 so tried to increase them all to 100×100
    should have been simple but after doing what seems obvious not a single woocommerce widget image is 100×100 they are all over the place using every other size but that and weird things is when I navigate around and keep checking these widget images occasionally they are correct, then they are incorrect again, then they are blury, then they are using the larger images.
    nothing makes sense..

    first discovered an issue while trying to fix pagespeed and finding large and small images being resized causing issues that started with blury product thumbnails in the woocommerce widgets then I discovered the widgets are pulling various images at various sizes and seem to change which ones they pull on their own although the correct images have been generated in simple image sizes plugin and do exist in the uploads folder.
    nothing is helping or making any sense.

    killing all plugins accept woocommerce gives the same results..

    First problem was setting widget sizes to 100×100 instead of tiny 36×36

    I followed various fixes found in the forums,
    edited the quick css as follows – did fix things correctly a while ago but now this is not working anymore.
    /* WooCommerce Widgets */
    .woocommerce ul.cart_list li img, .woocommerce ul.product_list_widget li img, .woocommerce-page ul.cart_list li img, .woocommerce-page ul.product_list_widget li img {
    width: 100px;

    I also added the following to functions

    avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘widget’] = array(‘width’=>100, ‘height’=>100); // small preview pics eg sidebar news

    add_filter( ‘avf_modify_thumb_size’, ‘enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size’, 10, 1 );
    function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) {
    $size[‘widget’] = array(‘width’=>100, ‘height’=>100);
    return $size;

    and the following to the child style:
    #top .news-thumb, #top .news-thumb img {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;

    None of that has helped…

    I have also installed simple image sizes and ensured that widget size was specifed at 100×100
    also set other image sizes for woocomerce and shop images sizes as follows:
    shop_thumbnail 100×100
    shop_catalog 300×300
    shop_single 450x 999
    swatches_image_size 32×32 (only one that is working as expected)
    woocommerce_thumbnail 300×300
    woocommerce_single 450×0
    woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail 100×100

    After setting the sizes I then ticked those sizes to regenerate them in simple image sizes ..
    regenerated images – new problem – this causes every single image in entire site to regenerate all sizes … locked up and crashed my hosting server so hostgator kicked me off for a day..
    Unfortunately simple image sizes did not just do the woocommerce images as ticked but did all images on the server and crashed it.

    After a day of trying to get hostgator support to allow me back in with IP address access only I got back in I saw that image sizes on the front end homepage were still randomnly blury, some were clear, some blury.. right clicking on various images in the widgets “latest products” “new products” reveals not a single image using 100×100 all are using various sizes as specified above (300×300, 450×450, 36×36) but all settings are correct, checking FTP all 100×100 images have been generated and exist but the theme is NOT using them.

    I tried again to recheck child theme and edited child Functions and css as per other forum threads..
    double checked image size settings in appearance\customise\woocommerce set to 450×450 and 300×300 as desired
    double checked enfold settings, quick css.. all as desired..

    Why are none of the widget images being used 100×100?

    After all of the above if you visit the homepage which has the images for woocommerce displaying and right click on them you will see all various sizes being called. NOT 100×100 for widgets and 300×300 for the catalog images as expected. single product pages do seem to be ok…

    I have been dealing with this for days, tried various browsers , differnet PCs, hostgator support…
    woocommerce support, wordpress support,
    nothing is working …

    Everything was fine a few months ago…
    everytime I try and work on the issue and have to regenerate thumbs the server crashes because those plugins are not just generating the ticked specified sizes or post types (products) they are generating thousands of images…

    I am probably missing something small and obvious but can someone explain what I’m missing here ?


    here are some screenshots demonstrating the issue on the homepage for the Recently viewed products widget and the main product catalog images.. expected sizes are 300×300 for catalog and 100×100 for widget thumbnails.. as shown they are various sizes.
    enfold image problems screenshot example 1

    next is images displayed in the footer area that are using the new products and top rated widgets
    again note images of various sizes and none 100×100

    here is the child theme quick css.. (was also present in main theme)

    here is child modified functions

    here is woocommerce customizer settings

    and finally here are image settings according to simple image sizes plugin (yes after they have been regenerated)





    so no help on this?



    We would like to apologize for the late response.

    The product thumbnails in the footer widgets are 100x100px in size. All of them. Is this fixed? The product widget in the sidebar is no longer there, so we were not able to check it.

    Best regards,

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