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  • #1068641

    ist es möglich die Überschriften der Blogbeiträge im Classic Grid anzupassen d.h. bspw. fett zu schreiben und in Farbe?
    Des Weiteren würde ich gern eine Linie nach dem “Weiterlesen” Text einziehen, kann man das ebenso mit evtl. mit dem CSS Quick Edit lösen?

    Ich würde mich sehr über Hilfe freuen!

    Viele Grüße,


    Hey Sascha_2018,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You can use this css code to change the style of the post title in a grid layout.

    .html_elegant-blog .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-title {
        padding-top: 15px;
        font-size: 1.6em;
        font-weight: bold;
        color: red;

    I translated your inquiry using Google, so I may have missed some part. let us know if you need anything else.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismaeil,
    thank you for your response.
    I will test this css code.

    I have another question:
    For the website have used for the blog the classic grid. Unfortunately the grid with 3 blog post in a row doesn’t change to a single “grid” on mobile devices. So it is not responsive and I really don’t know what to do. May you have an idea why it doesn’t work? I would be very thankful.


    Hi Sascha

    Unfortunately the grid with 3 blog post in a row doesn’t change to a single “grid” on mobile devices.

    You can easily fix that by selecting only “display on big screens” and “display on medium screens” in the viewing options.
    Afterwards copy that element for the blog posts and select the other two checkboxes there (display on tablet portrait and smartphone screens).




    Thanks for the update.

    The grid seems to be responding properly on mobile view. This is we what see on our end.


    Best regards,

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