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  • #1068568

    Horicantale Galerie and layer slider mobile view css issue


    Hey guidode,

    I tried to check on the link you gave, however if I select Yes on this popup:

    Please confirm that you are 18 years or older?

    Nothing happens and shows the popup again.

    Best regards,


    I give you backend Access… But i can´t see the popup issue



    I checked your site and the Layer Slider works fine on mobile view. If you still have any issue please upload a screenshot/mockup to one of the below sites and share the link here so we can help you better :)

    Best regards,


    Please look at this link. It´s only on mobile view.


    Hi guidode,

    I have made changes on the Horizontal Gallery and it’s fixed on mobile devices.
    However for the layerslider showing on bottom, I would suggest to hide it on mobile and use another slider with a bit taller image since slider preserves the width and height ratio, then on this new slider just go to Screen Options and hide it on desktop and tablet.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your support. But now is the Website very slow…. Why???


    i think it is a issue with the age verification. can you recommend an other plugin?


    Hi guidode,

    I’m not really sure but you can try to use this plugin to check for bottlenecks:
    If it’s a shared hosting, maybe the server is a bit loaded. The only change I made on your site was to add this css code in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
      .responsive .av-horizontal-gallery-inner {
        min-height: 300px !important;
      .responsive .av-horizontal-gallery-img {
        -webkit-transform: translate(0,0) !important;
        -ms-transform: translate(0,0) !important;
        transform: translate(0, 0) !important;

    Best regards,

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