February 12, 2019 at 5:14 am #1065771
The website is a partner of a government organisation that recently contacted me to state that they are unable to harvest the links to the website.
I’d greatly appreciate any direction you can give.
They have investigated and returned the following analysis:
After investigating the harvest result, it is found that they have a strange HTML class name which causing the removal of the entire contents from harvesting process.
For example, if you look into the page source of: https://skincheck.com.au/skinclinic/age-spots/, you’ll notice at the very beginning of the code this following html tag:
<html lang=”en-US” prefix=”og: http://ogp.me/ns#” class=”html_stretched responsive av-preloader-disabled av-default-lightbox html_header_top html_logo_left html_main_nav_header html_menu_right html_custom html_header_sticky html_header_shrinking html_header_topbar_active html_mobile_menu_tablet html_header_searchicon html_content_align_center html_header_unstick_top html_header_stretch_disabled html_minimal_header html_minimal_header_shadow html_av-submenu-hidden html_av-submenu-display-click html_av-overlay-side html_av-overlay-side-classic html_av-submenu-noclone html_entry_id_6761 av-no-preview html_text_menu_active “>
One of the classes that exist in that html tag is “hidden” which indicate as hidden text that the harvester should not care about (will be removed automatically). However, since this exists in the top level of “html” tag, that mean the entire page is removed and causing the harvester result to be “Unpublished” for all of this partner content pages.
The credentials are supplied,
RichardFebruary 14, 2019 at 3:44 am #1066752Hey richardbeatty,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Are you referring to the “html_av-submenu-hidden” class name? The theme uses that particular class attribute to hide the sub menu items that are inside the burger menu container. IF you want to remove that attribute, you have to set the Enfold > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu > “Menu Icon Submenu items” to the first option.
Best regards,
Ismael -
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