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  • #1063742

    Hello an good evening,

    I’m using “Enfold Minimal Portfolio”.

    I would like to change the behaviour of the links in top menu. Instead of changing color during hover and active I’d like to place a bottom border under the link text as you can see in the Photoshop-modified screenshot. Something like “border-bottom: red 5px solid;”

    But I don’t know, in what context I have to place it in quick css.

    Thanxx for help


    Hey znello,

    Try adding this css code in QUick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top #wrap_all #header #avia-menu > li > a .avia-menu-text {
        margin-left: 0;
        padding-left: 0;
    #top #wrap_all #header #avia-menu > li:hover > a .avia-menu-text {
        border-bottom: 5px solid red;

    Best regards,


    Hi Niko,

    thank you. It didn’t work… And i forgot to tell you that i’m using an Enfold Child Theme.
    I tried to put the code into “Quick css” in General Styling, no change.
    I tried to put in in style.css in the Enfold-Child Folder, no change.
    (And I found another css file in wp-content -> uploads -> dynamic Avia, named “enfold-child.css” ???)
    And when I try to put it into the WP customizer I get a warning:
    Expected LBRACE at Line 48, col 35.
    Unexpected token ‘&’ at line 48, col 35.
    Expected LBRACE at Line 48, col 38.
    Unexpected token ‘&’ at line 48, col 38.
    Expected LBRACE at Line 48, col 49.
    Unexpected token ‘&’ at line 48, col 49.
    Expected LBRACE at Line 48, col 52.
    Unexpected token ‘&’ at line 48, col 52.

    What I want at last is the menu-item styling from the default Enfold Theme, just the bottom border a little bit thicker an another colour, sorry not to tell you before, it’s my first thread here ;-):

    Cheers , znello


    Hi znello,

    I see, in the WordPress Dashboard go to Enfold > Header > Header Layout (tab) > Header Style, then choose Default (with borders, active menu indicator and slightly transparent).
    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Niko,

    sorry, i’ve found it now, it worked. Next time I first look around more and then I gonna write…
    I just started with Enfold, thank you for your patience ;-)

    Thanxx again


    Hi znello,

    We are here to help :)

    Here are the docs for you

    Happy exploring Enfold!

    Best regards,

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