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  • #1060607

    Hi, I have recently updated everything to the latest version and have noticed that when I try to edit woo commerce products that the editor now shows all of the text with the HTML markup. I’m also seeing this when editing pages using the text widget. The editing experience is not condusive to the average user. I can provide screenshots for further context. I’m wondering if I need to update a setting or install another plugin or something? Also, I don’t see where i can add shortcodes anymore and the shortcodes that were previously there are all being shown as HTML. You can see and example of this when editing the home page.


    Hey AngryCatDesign,

    I checked your site and the layout builder is working as intended on the WooCommerce products.
    Have you tried to toggle the “Default editor” and the “Layout Builder” button?
    If you still have any issue please elaborate it and yes screenshots would help. You can upload a screenshot/mockup to one of the below sites and share the link here so we can help you better :)

    Best regards,

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