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  • #1058785


    When I add Javascript within a codeblock and publish it, then the following happens:
    – I only see the header when I select the option ‘no transparancy’.
    – The anchor links on my onepage are messed up. When I select a link it goes random up and down.
    – My images are gone if they have animations. I can only see the images if I disable the animations.

    I already deactivated all plugins but its not working.



    Hey delete28,

    What happens if you remove the code you added? Where can we see the results?

    Best regards,


    And what code do you insert on that page?
    (please use code tag here on the answer)


    This is the working live site:

    This is a test page where I inserted the code: (scroll to LESROOSTER)

    The code:
    <script src=""></script>


    aha – and what should the code do for you – what do you expect the code would do?
    The code was this:

    var iFrameID = 'BM_Frame_' + new Date().valueOf();
    var output = '';
    output += '<style>';
    output += 'html,body {padding:0; margin:0; height:100%;}';
    output += '.BM_AppContainer iframe {';
    output += 'width:100%; height:100%;';
    output += 'position:relative;';
    output += 'height:600px;';
    output+= ' border:0;}';
    output+= '</style>';
    var frame = '<div class="BM_AppContainer"><iframe id="' + iFrameID + '" src=""></iframe></div>';

    but i don’t think that this will work with codeblock element


    The code shows a monthly schedule, you can see this when you scroll to LESROOSTER >
    But it messes up the navigation (anchor links), it scrolls random.
    If I delete the code, then the navigation works properly.

    I also have placed the code in a textblock, but with the same result.


    yes now I see what you mean, after pressing the navigation points several times one scrolls here and there or no scrolling is triggered anymore.

    but i do not see the need for a code in that page. Try to put your link in a text block with an iframe (paste it to text mode better)

    <iframe src="" width="100%" height="500px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

    i did that here on a test page – and it works without code on that page:
    it is just blocked through my Cookie Consent Plugin.


    Thank you, it works!!


    ok – maybe you set the height of the iframe to 560px – then on most of the screen width you won’t have the need to scroll inside the iframe if a new window in the iframe is opend ( klick on one link inside – kickboksen meit rens f.e.)



    Thank u for all the feedback @Guenni!

    Best regards,

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