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  • #1058084

    How change the lHome page, logo area manu from horizontal to vertical


    on Enfold – General Layout there is a :”Logo and Main Menu” you can choos left or right side for logo and Nav.
    You mean that it looks like:


    No, I mean the submenu, under the “products” menu, I want to change into vertical. not horizontal.
    Like the submenu “products” in


    First of all : this is vertical and you want to change it to horizontal?
    You like to have something like this hier on Page LInk:
    This is called Mega Menu on Enfold.
    goto Dashboard – Appearance – Menus choose your Main Menu and goto that “Products” link – now there are three littel arrow on the right side of the link Heading – the most right one is a bit different – hover it – you see you can edit that link.
    Mark “use as Mega Menu” – now all of your second level Menu Points goes to column. Each Column you can edit too. On these columns there is a checkbox “this column should start a new row”
    You can have then 2 horizontal lines etc.

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