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  • #1052448

    Hi guys, please how can I do to open a mp4 lightbox video by clicking on an image?
    Thank you for your kind help!


    is it a selfhosted Video?
    try at the end of your video link to add: &iframe=true



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007, did you try that out @webba?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your suggestion.
    It works because when I click the image, a lightbox windows appears correctly, but inside there’s no video, but a 404 default page non found.
    If I remove “&iframe=true” from url link, the video works correctly, but on a NEW browser page.


    Have you any link for us? Is it a selfhosted Video – or a Youtube ( Vimeo etc. pp.) one?

    and by the way if you have only the url of the video ( like on selfhosted one ) try it with ?iframe=true

    i guess it is always the case if there are more than one parameter added ( like on most youtube videos ) the first added Parameter got the questionmark “?” and all the others come with ampersand “&


    Hi. Thanks for your help.
    This is the website url:
    If you click on image under the fullscreen video, it opens a lightbox window with 404 page non found inside, but here is the absolute url link that I put on image link :

    I can’t understand what’s the problem… sorry


    did you read my comment above?

    if it is the only option try the question mark:


    And by the way – if there are no transparency needs – do use jpg.
    And if you use jpg – try to optimize them for web ( f.e. in photoshop via save for web and take a higher compression level.
    Your mission-6.jpg has 3MB – that is the reason why the image needs too long to load. You can have that image nearby 460kb without visible loss of quality


    yes! the question mark has solved the problem! Thanks a lot for your kind help! You have been so gentle!


    Hi webba,

    Glad you got it working for you with Guenni007’s help ! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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