Please check http://stapromachinebouw.nl/home/
At the top of the site there’s a blue bar containing email address and Phone number. Is it possible to add icons here? A mail icon in stead of “email” and a Phone icon in stead of “telefoon”?
Thanks for your answer!
Hi Martine,
Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/menu/#add-icons-to-menu-item
Thanks for your answer! I already tried this and this will work in a “normal” menu item. But when I want to add two icons in the blue bar at the top of the page (see http://stapromachinebouw.nl/home/) then the two icons are first and then the emailadress and Phone number. Also the text of mail and number turns black and different font type.
Should it work the same as in a normal menu item?
Never mind. Found it. Thanks!