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  • #1044986

    Hello Community,

    I have a problem, that WebM format Videos are not showing at Mac iOS Safari Browser. I didn´t thaught about that problem and solved the issue for desktop and smartphones including small tablets with the showing options.

    I have a WebM Video with this options for desktop:

  • Hidden on small screens (between 480px and 767px – example Tablet Portrait)
  • Hidden on very small screens (smaller than 479px – z.B.: Smartphone Portrait)
  • Instead of Video I´m showing JPEG of Video (a screenshot) for smaller widthness like smarthpone and tablet:

  • Hidden on screens (widther than 990px – example: Desktop PC)
  • Hidden on middle screens (between 768px and 989px – example: Tablet wide picture
  • I thaught to solve the problem with not showing videos on desktop startpage with these settings, but now I found that the safari browser at mac iOS is not showing the video on wide screens too.

    Is there a way or a code to show only a picture instead of image if browser is Safari or system is MAC?

    Thanks for response and support.

    Best wishes,


Hey sonejder,

Thank you for using Enfold.

Have you tried converting the video to mp4 with H.264 compression? That format is supported by most browsers. You can also upload the video on youtube or vimeo to avoid browser compatibility issues.

Best regards,

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