Hey Embassybilling67,
Add this to quick css:
#top nav .social_bookmarks{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
When I add that code it reverts the icons to normal size…
I didn’t see a switch in the size. It should have just revealed the bottom. What size should they be?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Larger… I inserted this code from the mentioned post. The code you provided make this code not work…
#header_meta .container{
min-height: 40px;
#header .social_bookmarks li{
font-size: 28px;
border-right-style: none;
width: 40px;
#header .social_bookmarks li a {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
I’m still seeing the code be applied please see the following:
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Yes, but as you can see the icons are cut off in the screenshot. I need the icons not cut off.. when I add you code it resizes them… I took that code out so you can see the issue.
Apologies, I’m not seeing this issue. If you inspect the browser and remove the overflow:hidden declaration it shouldn’t reduce the size.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Sorry, I don’t understand…
Add this to quick css:
#top .social_bookmarks{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
When I add the new code the other code voids and shrinks to original size… It also shrinks the phone number…
Please provide admin info so we can log in and look into this issue further.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Hi Embassybilling67,
Best regards,