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  • #1037927

    Hi, wander if you can help…

    When i edit page and click on Avia Layout Builder, i get a spinning wheel and nothing loads.
    Website is


    Hey timchurchman,

    Which page should we be looking at? It can be the conflict with the WPBakery Page Builder.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, will try disabling the plugin, it wont effect layout or Enfold theme workings?



    No it should not have any effect on the theme layout builder.

    Best regards,


    Sorry for delayed reply, switched off all plugins except Contact Form 7, Duplicate Post, LayerSlider and Slider Revolution….and still problem exists …?



    Thanks for the update, though I can’t reproduce the problem on the page in private. Is it only happening on a specific page?

    Best regards,



    Its only a one page website. ” I can’t reproduce the problem on the page in private” not sure what you mean by this? Logins given should work?


    Hi timchurchman,

    Here are some threads to consider:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, still not sure what Rikard meant when he said “I can’t reproduce the problem on the page in private” . Can you confirm if he has logged into my website to check? Im not sure why this isn’t working i only have plugins installed from Theme?


    I think the confusing part is that i never updated or changed plugins and builder was working a week ago….



    You have 71 published pages, which page in specific is this happening on?

    Best regards,


    Have trashed all other pages, there is only 1 page on website:


    Also you can add elements from templates, its just the original sections that never load.


    Hi Guys, sorry to put any pressure on, is this an Enfold problem?

    If it isn’t please let me know and i will outsource to a developer



    Thanks for the update and clarification. I see what Victoria was referring to, you are getting a 404 error on the file in private. I’m not sure exactly why that is happening though. Could you try to enable debug mode in order to see builder shortcodes, then copy all the shortcodes to a new page to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Hi, enabled debug mode, Copied code from home page and pasted it into the box on a new page (, clicked on “Auto Repair Function enabled – Repair errors in short code structure on update”

    Unfortunately the Advanced Layout editor is still not loading…. Any suggestions?


    Hi timchurchman,

    Did you write to your hosting provider to check if mod_security is blocking requests from admin-ajax.php ?

    Did you try to disable all plugins and check if the issue persists?

    Best regards,


    If it could help: mod_security blocks are easy to find in the Apache error log. They write in the log something like this:

    [Thu Feb 11 21:38:17.108473 2019] [:error] [pid 7077] [client] [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match “http://[a-zA-Z0-9._]{1,}?/.{0,}?\\\\.pdf\\\\b[^\\\\n\\\\r]{0,}#” at ARGS:_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData. [file “/etc/modsecurity/08_Global_Other.conf”] [line “21”] [id “211050”] [rev “1”] [msg “WAF: Universal PDF XSS URL Detected.|||F|2”] [severity “CRITICAL”] [tag “CWAF”] [tag “Other”] [hostname “”] [uri “/wordpress/wp-admin/post.php”] [unique_id “XGXRuS7nf@AAABrTnCgwUAAAAY”], referer:

    There could be lots of different cases, but in most of them you can locate the Rule Id (id 211050 in the example) and bypass it in your .htaccess file:

    <IfModule mod_security2.c>
    SecRuleRemoveById 211050

    Hope it helps.


    Hi bdszaragoza,

    Thanks for sharing and helping out, it’s much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,

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