Tagged: Font-color
I have noticed that the font color of answers in our faq page appears to be sometimes black https://imgur.com/a/5fwmiAf and sometimes green. https://imgur.com/a/wZ3LUoJ
I want to have only one black color.
Hey ohmani,
Sorry, I looked a a few of them but they all were black. Please link to two different ones so we can compare them.
Best regards,
Look at the answers for the 4th question from the top. It seems green. https://imgur.com/a/KrRzK5S
And also look at the answer for the 12th question, it seems black. https://imgur.com/a/C3NW85A
Thanks, I see now that the link I was going to was not the same as your image.
Ok, I found the green sections have a inline font color and font face, and extra quotes in the code:
<div class="mb-open-content"><font color=""#575757"" face=""Arial"">
where the black ones do not have this, they only have the paragraph tag:
The best solution would be to remove the inline styling form the elements, I assume you have taken a look at doing this, but if not please do.
To change this color with css we will have to try to override the inline color which is harder, so please add this css to WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:
.board-list table.table-list .mb-open-box .mb-open-content font {
color: #000 !important;
Best regards,