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  • #1026939

    Hello Support Team,

    I’m having an issue that I can’t figure out. Whenever I upload a featured image to a post or page. It places it on the actual page. I’ve tried turning it off, but have not been successful. When you log in, check out the FishBone post, the picture is at the top left.

    Thanks much,



    Hey David,

    Best regards,


    I’ve been using both. Are you seeing a conflict?


    I’ve checked with a WP tech, they said it was not WP, I checked with Thrive Themes tech, they saw an Enfold. This is what the Thrive Theme’s tech wrote.

    Hello David,

    The image has only classes that seems to belong to the theme, and the CSS styling of it also comes from base.css file of the theme, as in this screenshot:
    Image 2018-10-26 at 12.14.51 PM.png
    I’m not familiar with this theme, so not quite sure what its options are about displaying the featured image, their support should be able to point out an option to turn that off.
    Let me know if you have any other questions about this.

    Best regards,


    Following up. Has anyone been able to look further into my issue?


    I can really use a bit of help in trying to figure out the problem. Much thanks…


    Hi davidk62,

    We apologize for the late response, try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    .single .template-blog .blog-meta {
        display: none;

    then flush out the cache or you can try to place it inside thrive architect custom css.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,



    Thank you. I appreciate the potential fix. However, I need to know the cause. What’s the problem, what happened.

    Have you been able to have a peek at my site to see what’s the cause and how it started? I’m not always in favorite of adding a code to solve a problem.

    It’s like a band aid to me, or someone getting a cold and taking a pill to remove the symptoms instead of getting to how you got the cold or how a cold can be prevented.

    I’d prefer to not have to place code on every post I create to remove the image. Especially when it has never been there prior to a few weeks back.

    What changed in Enfold?


    Hi davidk62,

    I understand, I have modified this setting in your Theme Options.
    Enfold > Blog Layout > Single Post Style then changed Single post with small preview image (featured image) to Single post with big preview image (featured image).
    This seems to fix the issue. Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,

    That only made it BIGGER, it’s still there. If you go to any of my earlier post, like a post back in July or April. You’ll see it’s not there. It did not work…


    If you go to the post titled Aretha and view it. You’ll see it’s not there at all.



    By default, the featured image should display on single post pages because it is included in the includes > loop-index.php file or template. Are you using the advance layout builder before?

    Best regards,


    I understand what you’re saying. However, if you look at the older post. It’s not a BIG as it is on the current post. When I’ve used it on other websites, it’s normal.



    You are using a third party plugin (Thrive Architect) to create the content of the post. Is that what you’ve have used ever since the site was created?

    Best regards,

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